Before you enter into this contract of insurance, you have a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation. You have a similar duty when you ask us to vary or extend the insurance and when we offer you the opportunity to renew your insurance. What that means is that you need to take reasonable care to provide honest, accurate and complete answers to any questions that we ask.
Specifically when you ask us to vary or extend your insurance or before you renew your insurance, you need to take reasonable care to review any information that we provide to you for your confirmation and to inform us of any changes, where the information is no longer honest, accurate and complete.
If you are not sure of the answers to any of our questions, or whether the information you previously provided remains honest accurate and complete, you should take the time to check and find out. It is also important to understand that, in answering the questions and checking the information, you are answering for yourself and anyone else to whom the questions apply.
As we use your answers to decide what insurance we will offer, to calculate your premium, and to assess any claim you make, it is essential that you contact us if you have any doubts.If you do not take reasonable care in answering our questions, or to inform us of any changes, you may breach your duty. If that happens, your policy may be cancelled, or treated as if never existed, and any claim may be denied or not paid in full.
If your circumstances make it difficult for you to work out how to answer any of our questions, or you are not clear how to explain your situation to us, you should contact us to discuss your queries either via our online chat or call or email us at